Monday - closed for private parties
Tuesday - Closed for private parties
Wednesday - closed for private parties
Thursday - Public Session 6pm - 9pm $8.00
Friday - Public Session 6pm - 9pm $11.00
< All kids must have an parent/guardian present to buy tickets to come in >
Saturday Hours
Public Session: 12:00pm - 3:00pm $9.00
Closed for Private Party - 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Saturday Public Session - 6pm - 9pm $12.00
< All kids must have an parent/guardian present to buy tickets to come in >
Public Session 12pm -3:00pm $9.00
Closed for Private Party - 3:30pm - 5:30pm
Public Session - 6pm - 9pm $8.00
Skate Rental for all sessions $4.00
Speed Skates for all sessions $6.00
Skateland often has open public sessions as specials that are not listed under our normal business hours. Please refer to our calendars for all open public sessions and special events. Note: We do not always have the ability to answer the phones during open sessions. If you need assistance please leave a message or email us at and we will get back to as soon as possible.
Snackbar item pricing is subject to change without notice. Party Package pricing may increase. Price is not guaranteed until party is booked with paid deposit.
Note: Parents or guardians 21 years of age or older are welcome free as spectators. When you choose to skate you are subject to pay admission as well as skate rental. Adults bringing their own skates are required to pay for admission when skating any public session. This includes if you are
attending a birthday party.
Skateland is following all Maryland and CDC guidelines issued. Policies and rules can change without notice. Masks are welcome but optional at this time. We ask Patrons to follow all current guidelines issued by Maryland regarding their health.
At managements discretion they may choose to play music the last 20 minutes of any public session for dancing purposes known as "line dancing". Dancing is optional for those who choose to participate. Skateland is not required to offer these at the end of any session. No discounts or refunds are given to those who choose not to participate.
Note: NO OUTSIDE Food or Drinks are permitted in the building without permission from management.
Reminder DO NOT Park in Denny's Parking lot. Please see site map in Skateland's posted area to confirm you are not in their parking lot. YOU WILL BE TOWED, at your expense.
Reminder we only accept CASH.